Recent development in some National Competition Authorities – splitting, merging, super-merging (Aleš Musil)
Recent development in some National Competition Authorities – splitting, merging, super-merging (Aleš Musil) Popis: The entry into force, on 1 May 2004, of Regulation 1/2003 developed the enforcement powers of the competition authorities of the EU Member States (also referred to as national competition authorities or “NCAs”). Regulation 1/2003 made it compulsory for NCAs to apply Article 101 of the Treaty on the functioning of the EU (TFEU) where they apply national competition law to agreements or concerted practices which may affect trade between EU Member States and to apply Article 102 TFEU where they apply national competition law to any abuse prohibited by Article 102 TFEU. Furthermore, Regulation 1/2003 foresees mechanisms of close co-operation between all competition authorities in the EU.
This article focuses on recent development in some EU Member States and their foreseen reforms. As for the UK, it has decided to merge current competition policy enforcers and at the same time, to reform its competition and consumer protection policy. As far as Spain is concerned, the government has proposed creation of a “super-authority”.
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